What Is Eddie Murphy’s Religion?

Eddie Murphy religion

Eddie Murphy: Religion, Spirituality, and Living Out Faith

When it comes to black comedians, one of the first names that come to most people’s minds is Eddie Murphy. A superstar comedian since he was a teenager, Murphy has attracted leagues of fans worldwide with his quick wit and excellent comedic timing. However, despite his vast fanbase, many fans are unaware of the more personal aspects of the actor’s life–such as his religion and how he lives according to his belief system.

You might be surprised if you’re wondering whether Eddie Murphy’s comedy aligns with his religion. When it comes to Eddie Murphy, religion is a massive question in the minds of fans–and this article will answer your burning questions by diving deep into the actor’s beliefs and how he preaches what he practices. Let’s dive in!

What is Eddie Murphy’s Religion?

While fans have speculated about the actor’s religion for years, Murphy stopped the speculation in an interview with Rolling Stone in 2011. When asked about his religion, the actor stated: “I’m baptized Catholic. But I don’t want to have no religion. I have Christian-based values and beliefs.”

How Does Eddie Murphy Preach Catholicism and Spirituality?

Though fans might be surprised that Murphy maintains religious values and beliefs, a deeper look into the actor’s past and his actions reveal several ways that the actor preaches Catholicism. Here are a few of the most notable ways that Murphy is able to live according to his faith.


Fans wondering where Eddie Murphy has gone in recent years will be pleasantly surprised to learn about the actor’s extensive charity work. Murphy puts his faith into action by involving himself in numerous social causes to help the less fortunate. From performing at comedy festivals to raise money for feeding the homeless and hungry to donating to the AIDS Foundation, Eddie Murphy supports no shortage of causes.

Additionally, Murphy works to help people from all walks of life through the Yeah! Foundation, a self-started organization supporting various important causes, such as helping children from impoverished households get scholarships for education and donating to homeless people to slowly eliminate the homelessness issue in America.

On top of these organizations, Murphy has also contributed to the following in the past:

  • Various cancer charities
  • The Screen Actors Guild
  • The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change


Murphy advocates for prayer and has spoken about his commitment to praying in the past. The actor believes prayer is essential to ground people in power greater than themselves. He has used prayer to remain spiritually grounded and focused on the bigger picture.

Murphy’s ability to navigate the often-brutal world of Hollywood at such a young age is a testament to the power that prayer has had for the comedian. Previously, Murphy has stated his belief that many actors who are successful at a young age “go through a lot of stuff and have issues and drug problems and all this and are self-destructive. And I never had that because I was grounded spiritually.”


Eddie Murphy considers the characters he plays and the films he stars in to create media in alignment with his spiritual beliefs. For instance, the actor is a devout Muslim father in You People. His character in this film struggles with internalized prejudices that prevent him from accepting his daughter’s boyfriend, a white Jewish man. While the film forces the audience to address uncomfortable situations, it also prompts crucial questions about religion and different ways of practicing one’s faith.

Speaking of his role in You People, Murphy displayed his dedication to spirituality and radical acceptance of faiths that differ from his own. When discussing the film, the actor previously stated, “The film isn’t going to close those [religious] divides, the film will just add to the conversation. The collective conversations plus time is how those divides ultimately get closed.”

Devout Belief in God

Murphy has never shied from speaking about his relationship with God in interviews. Despite not identifying with a specific Christian denomination, the actor was baptized into the Catholic church as a child and remains steadfast in his belief in God.

Citing past experiences where things could have gone differently, Murphy has stated that what he’s endured has reaffirmed his faith in God. The actor previously claimed, “I know that God is real. There’s been a bunch of  times when I could have wound up crashing and burning.” His devotion to God is only one of the many ways that Murphy displays his Catholic faith and belief system.


Religion isn’t only about loving God and others–it’s also about practicing self-love, which is increasingly hard in the modern world, where people are constantly pushed to adhere to specific, rigid standards for how they should live. Murphy cites his relationship with God as one of the cornerstones of his relationship with himself, as his connection to God has allowed him to embrace self-love and avoid the pitfalls of young stardom.

Despite the temptations and dangers that any young actor faces, Murphy could avoid the pitfalls of his fellow actors by remaining grounded in his faith. Murphy says his relationship with God and spirituality has been a constant blessing: “I learned to love myself and never hated myself or beat myself up. I have always been my biggest fan.”

Find Out More From Black Content Review

There you have it: the truth finally answered about one of your favorite actor’s religion and spiritual beliefs. While Eddie Murphy’s devout faith and limitless self-love are admirable, there are likely many actors you aren’t aware of that share similar beliefs. Whether you’re looking for more actors that share your religious sentiments or want to find black-led movies and shows to add to your watchlist, Black Content Review has the subjects you’re looking for.

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